`b g` ---===<[ Battle Troll! ]>===--- by Robert O. Sachs, Sysop of The Lucky Troll/2 BBS. /squiggles `y`There are tales told, tales only told late at night or perhaps around a campfire by comrades-at-arms, tales of the many mysterious things that haunt these jungles... things put on this Earth to torment Mankind. `b y` Things that only come out at night!! /anykey `y`You think of these tales as you make your way thru this rather dense and forboding part of the jungle... where the trees block out the sun and the vines cover the jungle floor. Where you always feel that someone or some `b y`thing`y` is watching you... looking for signs of weakness... waiting for just the right moment............ /anykey `y`Then you hear it. A low growl. Very low. Not like a tiger or lion, more human, and yet not. Whatever it is, it sounds angry... very angry... and very powerful. `b r`This is not good.`y` `b y`Suddenly, they burst out of the dense foliage ahead of you... creatures so horrifying that they stop you in your tracks! Beings you had always hoped would be just that....something you heard about but never met! `f b r` B A T T L E T R O L L S ! `y`No creatures are more universally feared by man or beast. It is rumored that even the gods are sorry they created creatures of such strength and brutality. It is said that one Battle Troll can wipe out a dozeon of the Kings Armored Men!! And these are the creatures facing you now!!! /anykey `b r` A. Face them, battle them, conquer them! `b r` B. Are you crazy?? Get Outta Here!! /get:AB /choice1 `b g` /go:The Battle Trolls! /choice2 `b g` WIMP! `y`While you may indeed "live to fight another day"... the sounds made by the Battle Trolls as you beat a hasty retreat will be with you for a long time... a cross between the laughter of a schoolyard bully and the howls of an animal whose lunch has just gotten away! /endquest /endchoice The Battle Trolls! `bl`The Trolls mill around, apparently confused by your desire to offer yourself to them as lunch. They appear to be trying to decide who will have the fun of ripping you into bite-sized pieces.... a prospect you do not care to think of. /anykey /battle Ro'shan'le, Battle Troll attacks with his longsword and chain /choice1 `b g` VICTORY! `b r`You have WON! You have defeated the Battle Troll in one-on-one combat!! The other trolls decide to take their fallen comrade and dispose of his useless hulk elsewhere, for when you turn to face them, they are gone, `b r` as is the body! /attribute 3 `b bl`You feel uplifted and know that the gods have bestowed a gift of some kind upon you.... and that it is best not to question the gifts of the gods! /choice2 `b g` Flight! `r`The laughter of the Battle Trolls will linger in your ears for days, and you promise yourself to never speak of this incident with anyone! Ever! /endchoice /endquest